Add-on Services
Another range of services have been developed to make your work with AgiWare® TOPS even more enjoyable. These services can be plugged in the Core Infrastructure if they meet your needs.
U Chat
An internal chat has been developed to enrich collaboration work between AgiWare® TOPS users : front-office users, back-office users, distant colleagues, etc.
I Watch
I Watch is a service still in development in PIXYS R&D Lab. It works only with Dashboard® module. It will enhance your daily work with AgiWare® TOPS by analyzing automatically Application’s Interface changes within your Information mix.
Tracks is a powerful service. It allows you to replay, upon your request, what happened in a specific situation. You will know what has been done on every single application. It can be useful for training purposes or for Crisis Management.
Alarms is dedicated to the administration of alarms proceeding from your systems. It has been developed to ease Detection and Treatment. It will improve your Alarm management : work dispatch, treatment delay, …
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